Category: Uncategorized

IPLC Endorses ICOLC Statement on AI in Licensing

Along with nearly 70 library consortia, organizations, and libraries, IPLC endorses the ICOLC Statement on AI in Licensing which states in part: “as libraries and vendors navigate the rapidly changing technological and legal landscape of AI, ICOLC supports its member consortia in their efforts to ensure library user rights are maintained in alignment with organizational… Read more »

Support for OSF Preprint Infrastructure and Community Servers

Numerous Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) partner institutions* will provide three years of financial support for the Center for Open Science’s OSF Preprints, an open source platform and infrastructure that enables the facilitation and discovery of scholarship. COS notes that submission and consumption of preprints continues to grow with “~150,000 preprints hosted across all of… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement of Iran Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement of Iran web archive, curated by librarians at the IPLC. This web archive preserves material on, about, and from the Woman, Life, Freedom movement of Iran, which emerged in the wake of the 2022 police killing of Mahsa… Read more »

Letter to the Bipartisan Leaders of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee

August 29, 2023 Dear Bipartisan Leaders of the House Appropriations Committee: Representing the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation comprised of 13 academic libraries, we write to express our strong opposition to Section 552 of the House Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill, which would block American taxpayers from immediately accessing the results of the more than… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Historical Representation at American House Museums Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Historical Representation at American House Museums Web Archive, curated by librarians, library workers, and professors at Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University. House museums have been a key component of historic preservation in America since the mid 19th century. Until recently, house… Read more »

IPLC Letter to the Office of Science & Technology Policy

The IPLC Library Directors sent the following letter to the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy on March 1, 2023. On behalf of all 13 Ivy Plus libraries, we write to express our strong support for the updated policy guidance issued by the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) that… Read more »

Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Joins the Library Accessibility Alliance

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) joins the Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) as a partner to advance accessibility for library electronic resources, with the goal of providing equal access to information for all library users. IPLC is a voluntary union of 13 sovereign academic libraries: Brown University, the University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University,… Read more »

IPLC Launches the LGBTQ+ Communities of the Former Soviet Union & Eastern Europe Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the LGBTQ+ Communities of the Former Soviet Union & Eastern Europe Web Archive, curated by librarians at Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, and the University of Chicago, in partnership (as the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation) with New York University, the… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Design Card Decks for Ideation and Exploration Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Design Card Decks for Ideation and Exploration Web Archive, curated by librarians at the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University. Card decks are used in design fields as a game-based methodology for ideation and stakeholder participatory collaboration. The purposes of decks vary;… Read more »