Technical Services Group (TSG)


Formed in 2016, TSG meets regularly to discuss best practices for technical services work, to provide a forum for sharing ideas, and to ensure collaborative technical services work to support IPLC and local initiatives.


TSG is composed of representatives from each participating member institution, who are usually heads of technical services, acquisitions librarians, and/or metadata librarians. The chair serves for varied lengths of time, depending on availability and interest, and is elected by the Group members; there are no set term expectations. The chair gathers and announces agenda topics, sets and facilitates the meetings, and arranges for note takers. All documentation is kept in our shared IPLC Google drive.

Our Work

Examples of recent work and discussions include reparative metadata work, vendor-supplied metadata, opportunities for shared cataloging expertise and work, the Open Metadata Framework, and the POD-SHARE-VDE pilot.

Contact Us

Please contact our current chair, Kate Leigh, at kleigh1 at jhu dot edu for more information.