Appointment of Ginny Boyer to the post of Director of Discovery & Resource Sharing Initiatives

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) is pleased to announce that Ginny Boyer will join IPLC on November 2, 2020 as the Director of Discovery & Resource Sharing Initiatives. Ginny currently works as the Managing Director of the Open Library Foundation and the Managing Director for the Open Library Environment (OLE).  In both capacities, Ginny served as… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Belarusian Politics and Society Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Belarusian Politics and Society Web Archive. Developed by librarians at Harvard and Stanford Universities, and the University of Chicago — under the auspices of the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation — the Belarusian Politics and Society Web Archive exists to preserve material related… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Collective Architecture and Design Response to Covid-19 Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Collective Architecture and Design Response to Covid-19 Web Archive. Developed by Ann Whiteside and Sara Rogers (Harvard University), Patricia Guardiola (University of Pennsylvania), and Kathy Winsor Bohlman and Jessica Quagliaroli (Yale University) — under the auspices of the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Greater China Archival Resources Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Greater China Archival Resources Web Archive. One of the hurdles researchers of modern and contemporary China face in their studies is knowing about, and having access to, archival collections held at Chinese archives. The Greater China Archival Resources Web Archive collects websites… Read more »

IPLC Launches the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act Protest Movements Web Archive

The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is pleased to announce the launch of the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act Protest Movements Web Archive. Over the past two years, the Government of India under its ruling Hindu nationalist party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, has enacted the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and promoted other regulations, such as the National… Read more »

IPLC Launches Digital Gaming Communities Web Archive

Developed by librarians within the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, the Digital Gaming Communities Web Archive preserves content generated by, and related to, digital games in order to foster research within the discipline. Themes collected include critical gaming, game ethics, accessibility in gaming and game design, and user reviews and playthroughs, with content created by individuals,… Read more »

IPLC Launches Muftiships Web Archive

Developed by librarians within the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, the archive preserves the websites of Muftis (Muslim legal experts) and leading jurists from the Islamic world. Included are websites that cover the responses of judicial authorities to current events in their respective countries and beyond, illustrate the manner in which these authorities engage with the… Read more »

IPLC Launches the U.S. Women’s and Girls’ Magazines Web Archive

Developed by librarians within the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, the Archive consists of websites of women’s media that previously existed as print magazines and have long documented women’s thoughts, activities, economic power, sexuality, political interests, social, cultural, and domestic life. Curated by Jennifer Weintraub (Harvard University), Lee Sullivan (Harvard University), Sarah Witte (Columbia University), and… Read more »

Crossing the Zone of Ambiguity: The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation’s Dataset Feasibility Study — Processes & Practices for Cross-Institutional Collaboration by Ken Peterson and Galadriel Chilton

At the 15th annual ER&L conference (March 2020), Ken Peterson, Dartmouth’s Associate Librarian for Access & Collection Strategies at Dartmouth College, and Galadriel Chilton, IPLC’s DCI shared how 6 IPLC libraries of diverse sizes completed a project on time and under budget. They described how the team found their way across the zone of ambiguity,… Read more »

Open Source Data Visualization for Resource Sharing by Heidi Nance and Joe Zucca

In order to better understand scholarly use of a vast collective collection – both within and without our 13-library confederation – the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation is leveraging MetriDoc, an open-source framework devised by a library for libraries, to create a generalizable data analysis infrastructure and visualization service. MetriDoc gathers, normalizes, and presents BorrowDirect consortial… Read more »